Hi all,
First off, I would like to apologize for not sticking to my two a week posting I said I would be doing. I was spending too much time thinking about what I wanted to write that I ended up not writing anything. To help me write something, I am going to go an easy route and talk about some games that have gained my attention over the last few weeks.
Call of Duty: Warzone
The first game I have been putting a decent amount of time into is Call of Duty: Warzone. For those of you who don’t know what Call of Duty: Warzone is, it is a battle royale style game within the latest release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The game pits teams of up to 3 players against each other with up to 150 players in a game at once. The player goes around and finds loot that will help them combat and defeat other teams until there is only one team left.
Usually, I am not a battle royale type of player but for some reason I’m really enjoying Warzone. One aspect I really like about the game is that if a player happens to die within the first half of the game, they get a second chance to bring themselves back in the game by playing in a 1v1 battle in the Gulag. Players are given random loadouts and whoever comes out on top gets redeployed into the game. If they are unlucky and lose the 1v1 battle, their team can still collect cash to redeploy them later. I believe this concept gives players a reason not to give up and to not leave the game. It also keeps players engaged throughout the game, even if they are dead waiting to be redeployed.
Another aspect of the game I am enjoying is that the time to kill is quite short compared to other arcade battle royale games. I like that I am able to engage in gun fights, even if I might not have the best guns available. There are definitely situations where a player can be outgunned (sub machine gun vs sniper rifle), but I feel like there is a balance in the game that makes it feel like you always have a chance.
The last thing I will mention is that I am actually having fun playing with friends in this game. Don’t get me wrong, there are other battle royale games you can play with friends, but this game has clicked for me along with the people I play with. We actually communicate where opposing players are when we play and help each other. Part of it could be that we all have played enough games like it to finally understand what we need to be doing, but I think it helps that the game is more streamlined and players don’t have to worry about micromanaging resources as much.
If you haven’t had a chance to play Call of Duty: Warzone yet, give it a chance. It is free-to play, but the only issue is the download is quite big.
Animal Crossing: New Horizon
The next game that has been taking a lot of my time is Animal Crossing: New Horizon. I am not going to lie, this isn’t the type of game I usually play. I tend to like games where I can compete in or games that tend to be difficult. However, Animal Crossing seems to be scratching an itch that I didn’t know I needed. The game is about managing a desert island and building it up to a village of your own. I like that the game can be played at your own pace and you are able to kind of do what you want. I am not too far in but I have the first upgrade to my house and have done some things for the museum.
In some ways, I would say that Animal Crossing is an errand simulator. I can pick up weeds, cut wood, and go fishing. I constantly get rewards for pretty much doing anything in the game, which a lot of other games do this as well to keep the player hooked. The nice part is it isn’t some free-to-play game where a player has to sink time and money into it. This game is all about time and having patience. However, there is always something to do while you are waiting for the next big thing to happen in the story.
I would recommend both Animal Crossing: New Horizon and Call of Duty: Warzone. If you are looking for things to take up your free time, both of these games will do that for you. You also might have fun, too.